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How to make your own waste paper bin

By 2/10/2016 10:16:00 PM

You will need:
 • 37 pieces of 25mm x 25mm x 300mm pine – we used pine kindling (available from most supermarkets)
 • 40mm panel pins
 • Damp cloth 
 • Hammer 
 • Heavy books
 • Paintbrush
 • Paint stirrer
 • Piece of flat board
 • PVA glue
 • Resene Aquaclear gloss
 • Sandpaper

Step one 
Sand any rough edges from the pieces of pine and wipe off any sanding dust with a damp cloth.

Step two 
Form a square base with fifteen of the pine pieces, as shown, fixing with PVA glue and 40mm panel pins. Allow glue to dry and turn base the right way up.

Step three 
Place two pieces of pine across opposite ends of the base, as shown, fixing with PVA glue and panel pins nailed from underneath.

Step four 
‘Stack’ alternating pieces of pine along each edge, as shown, fixing at each corner with PVA glue.

Step five 
Continue to build up the sides of the waste paper bin, as shown, fixing at each corner with PVA glue.

Step six 
Place the board and books on top of the waste paper bin and leave overnight for glue to dry thoroughly.

Step seven 
Carefully stir the Resene Aquaclear.

Step eight 
Apply three coats of Resene Aquaclear gloss to the waste paper bin allowing two hours for each coat to dry.

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