Find Out How to Get Pregnant With a Boy or Girl With These Easy Steps!

Known as the father of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the last 50 years, Dr. Shettles is regarded as one of the best fertility masters, with his influential and powerful book "How to Choose the Gender of Your Infant" gaining massive popularity.
His hypothesis is dependent on the contrasts between a X and Y sperm in which is said to have a 75% success rate in allowing couples to have a baby with the desired gender. And his take on his hypothesis originates from a rule that the Y sperm are smaller and faster than their X counterparts which on the other hand are more delicate but bigger and slower.
And in this regard, you may be able to identify which gender of your baby is to your liking. With these in mind, these are some of the ways in order to perceive a boy and a girl and increase the chances of pregnancy with your baby's desired gender!
Most effective way to perceive a baby boy:
Dr. Shettles recommends if you want to get pregnant with a baby boy, restrain oneself from having any intercourse during the 4-5 days before ovulating since this will develop your sperm tally.
It is recommended to have intercourse near the day of ovulation due to the fact that the Y sperm are more ready to flourish and thrive in acidic conditions. During this time, the female climax alkalinity is expanded. Dr. Shettles strongly suggests having climax mostly because the female regenerative system contracts during and after climax, which helps to perceive a baby boy.
As far as position is concerned during intercourse, Dr. Shettles recommends a doggy style or other related positions. This allows the placement of the sperm more profound and greater to the vagina and also closer to the cervix where the Y sperm has a short distance to travel. These simple steps will help a couple perceive a baby boy as recommended by Dr. Shettles!
Most effective way to perceive a baby girl:
For couples desiring to perceive their baby as a girl, Dr. Shettles recommends doing the following. Engage in intercourse as much as desired, yet hold back for 2-3 days before and after ovulating.
Since sperm can flourish up to 6 days in the female regenerative framework, by the start of ovulation the X sperm will stay to fertilize the egg. As far as position is concerned, have intercourse that promotes shallow penetration that pushes the sperm lower in the conceptive system.
This gives the X sperm a longer distance of travel and the couple will more likely perceive a baby girl. These are some of the things to consider when a couple desires to have a baby girl as suggested by Dr. Shettles himself!
For couples out there looking for ways on how to perceive their baby as a boy or girl, then these steps offered by Dr. Shettles himself should be definitely worth a look and try.
While there are no strong evidences or claim of the famed specialist's hypothesis, thousands have already tried, and certainly it won't hurt to give it a shot as well! So if you're looking for ways on how to perceive a baby boy or girl, this should definitely be worth a shot!
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SOURCE: Minionscoop
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